Produktbeschreibung Hardstyle | Rawstyle | Uptempo
sounds2feel Unity Event 30.11.2024 Start: 20:00 Uhr | Ende: 05:00 Uhr Ort: Fifty One Club | Apothekerstraße 51, 59755 Arnsberg
Line Up: Mortalis (Defqon.1 | sounds2feel) Fenyn (Seconds From Space | sounds2feel) Bayexx (Young Talent | sounds2feel) Layaland (Bedtbuddies | sounds2feel) Bedtbuddies (sounds2feelradio | sounds2feel) Bob Moore (Indiscotabel DJs | sounds2feel) Mad Rick (Promillo Studios | sounds2feel) Marrick (sounds2feel) SNK (sounds2feel) Tempesboss (sounds2feel)
Genres: Hardstyle | Rawstyle | Uptempo
Musik: Best of - Aversion, Dual Damage, Multilator, Wasted Penguinz, Mish, Rooler, Vertile, Rebellion, Gunz for Hire, The Dark Horror, Atmozfears, Da Tweekaz und vieles mehr.
Tickets: VVK 10,00€ AK 15,00€ Ab 18 Jahren (Personalausweis mitbringen)
Tipps zur Übernachtung: Ibis StylesHotel Airbnb
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Ticket: 10.00 €
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